At the confluence of rural farm land and native forest in an urban center, TLC Farm demonstrates how sustainable living techniques can further goals often perceived as contradictory: urban density of human habitat inside the growth boundary, combined with not only conservation of natural resources and public greenspace, but actual enhancement of native ecosystems.

TLC Farm facilitates a diversity of movements, communities and individuals in the Portland region to:

  • educate ourselves and each other regarding skills, values, and paradigms for holistic human integration into our ecosystems;

  • experience a sustainable urban ecology as possible, practical, and desirable; and

  • emerge as empowered co-creators of a well-functioning network of cultures, economies, and polities of deep change.

The site is nestled into Tryon Creek State Park, a 650-acre ecosystem of towering firs, cedars and diverse Northwest forest. Just a few hundred feet from the steelhead-bearing creek lie these seven acres of rolling meadow, gardens, homes, naturally-built structures, and wooded cliffs: a unique sustainability educational facility and community gathering place.

Drawing upon our unique resources and strong foundation of broad community networks, TLC Farm offers Portland the opportunity to take sustainability from a nice idea to a lived experience.

You may find more information on Tryon Life Community Farm’s website.